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    History of Agriculture Science


    AN INTRODUCTION OF AGRICULTURE, History of Agriculture as a science, Terminology
    Introduction of Agriculture

                 Terminology :-

    The word Agriculture is derived from Latin words viz. agre, referring to soil and culture, to its cultivation. Therefore, the term agriculture means the cultivation of land i,e, the science and art of production crop and livestock for economic purposes, It is also referred to as the science of producing crops and livestock from the natural resources of the earth. 

               History of Agriculture Science 

    1.      Van Helmet (1577 – 1644 A.D.) : Experiments pertaining to plant nutrition in a systematic way and concluded that the main principle of vegetation is water.
    2.      Jethro Tull (1674 – 1741 A.D.) : Conducted several experiments and published the book “Horse Hoeing Husbandry”. His experiment was mostly on cultural practices and they led to the development of seed drill & horse-drawn cultivator.
    3.      Arthur young (1740 – 1820 A.D.) :  Conducted ‘pot culture experiments’ to increase the yield of crops by applying materials like poultry dung, litter, gunpowder etc.
    4.       In 1809  soil science began with the formulation of the theory of humus.
    5.      Research in plant nutrition & physiology was started in the 18th century.
    6.      Sir Humphry Davy published cook “ Elements of agricultural chemistry” in 1813.
    7.      Sir John Bennet Laws began to experiment on the effects of manure on crops.
    8.      A truly scientific approach tp farming was started in 1840 by Justus von Liebig. Has classical work on agricultural chemistry and physiology launched systematic development of agriculture
    9.      In 1842, Laws patented a process of treating phosphate tool to produce superphosphate and thus initiated the synthetic fertilizer industry.
    10.  Gregor Johann Mendel (1866): discover the law of heredity and the ways to cause mutations led to modern plant breeding.
    11.  In 1876, Charles Derwin published the results of the experiments in cross and self-fertilization in plants,
    12.  Since 1920, the application of genetics to develop new strains of plants and animals brought major changes in agriculture.
    13.  The first successful tractor was built in US 1892, Farm implements & machinery were manufactured industrially in a large scalar by 1930.
    14.  Due to economical pressure in labor availability, the application of electricity to agriculture was in 1920.
    15.  The first successful large scale conquest of a pest by chemical means was tue control of grapevine powdery  mildew in Europe in 1840. DDT was first synthesized in 1874 by Dr. Paul Muller
    16.   The key date in the history  of agricultural research and education is 1862 when the US Congress set up departments of agriculture & provided for colleges of agriculture in each state.
    17.  Scientific agriculture began in India when Sugarcane, Cotton & Tobacco were grown for export purposes.

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