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    About Indian Agriculture

    About Indian Agriculture, INDIAN AGRICULTURE , Indian Agriculture Objective
    About Indian Agriculture


    About Indian Agriculture

      1.       The geographical area of India is: 328.74 MHA
      2.       Total reporting area of India is: 306 MHA  
      3.       Gross the sown area of India is: 192.20 MHA
           4.       Net the sown area of India is: 140.02 MHA
          5.       Cropping intensity of India is: 137.26 %
      6.       Gross irrigation area of India is: 86.42 MHA
      7.       Net irrigation area of India is: 63.26 MHA
      8.       Net irrigation area of India is: 120.40 MHA (36.6% TGA)
      9.       Annual world precipitation is: 1000 mm
     10.   Average annual rainfall of India: 1194 mm
     11.   Generated rainfall volume of Indian: 400 MHA-m
     12.   The generated runoff volume: 185 MHA-m
     13.   Total forest and tree cover of the country is: 80.20mha
     14.   Optimum forest area required: 33% of the geographical area
     15.   Per capita availability of agricultural use land is: 0.30 ha
     16.   The area under cultivable wasteland is: 14.63mha (5%)
     17.   The state has the highest geographical area: Rajasthan
     18.   The state which is second geographical area: Madhya Pradesh
     19.   The state which is first in pulse production: Madhya Pradesh > Maharashtra
     20.   The leading state in food grain production: Uttar Pradesh > Punjab
     21.    The state which is first in total coarse cereal production: Rajasthan
     22.   The total area under organic certification is: 5.71mha (2015-16)
     23.   Madhya Pradesh has covered the largest area under organic certification followed by Himachal Pradesh
     24.   National Center of Organic Farming: Ghaziabad
     25.   National Organic Farming Research Institute: Sikkim
     26.   Maximum area under irrigation is in Ganga basin
     27.   Maximum area under drip irrigation is in Maharashtra
     28.   Maximum area under sprinkler is in Haryana
     29.   Highest fertilizer consumption rate (the Includes States and Union Territories): Pondicherry (1091.0 kg/ha)
     30.   Highest fertilizer consumption rete ( Amount state): Punjab(212 kg/ha)
     31.   Total fertilizer consumption is maximum in Uttar Pradesh
     32.    Maximum area under irrigation is in Punjab(92.07% of cultivation area)
     33.   Number of an agro-climatic  zone in India (Planning commission): 15 zone
     34.   Number of agro-ecological regions (NBSS&LUP) : 20 zone

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    Author Name: Narayan A. Nagre

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