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    Pink Bollworm in Cotton

     Cotton Insect Pest PINK BOLLWORM

    Pink Bollworm in bt Cotton

    Common Name : Pink bollworm
    Local Name : Gulabi/Shendri bond Ali
    Scientific Name : Pectinophora gossypiella Saund.
    Family : Gelechiidae
    Order: Lepidoptera
    Pest Category: Borer


    Pink Bollworm Stages of Life Cycle, Pink Bollworm in bt Cotton, Pink Bollworm ( Pectinophora gossypiella ), Pink Bollworm ,Pectinophora gossypiella , Pink Bollworm on Cotton, Pink Bollworm Live Video on Cotton Crop, Major Pest On Cotton Crop
    Pink Bollworm Stages of Life Cycle
             Adult: Eggs are pearly iridescent white, flattened, oval measuring approximately 0.5 mm long, 0.25 mm wide and sculptured with longitudinal lines. Eggs are laid singly or in groups of four
    to five. First two instars are white, while from third instar pink color develops. The larvae have the characteristic dark brown head due to the sclerotized prothoracic shield


           Pupae are light brown when fresh, gradually become dark brown as the pupation proceeds. Pupa measures up to 7 mm in length.

    Pink Bollworm ( Pectinophora gossypiella ) Early Stage, Pink Bollworm in bt Cotton, Pink Bollworm ( Pectinophora gossypiella ), Pink Bollworm ,Pectinophora gossypiella , Pink Bollworm on Cotton, Pink Bollworm Live Video on Cotton Crop, Major Pest On Cotton Crop
    Pink Bollworm ( Pectinophora gossypiella ) Early Stage


            The adult moth is greyish brown with blackish bands on the forewings and the hind wings are silvery grey. Moths emerge from
    pupae in the morning or in the evening, but are nocturnal, hiding amongst soil debris or cracks during the day.

    Nature of Damage:

       Larva when attacks the bud of fewer than 10 days old, shedding of bud occurs and larva dies. But with older bud, the larva can complete development. There can be cent percent pink bollworm infestation on bolls but there need not be any shedding. Larva in flower bud spins webbing that prevents proper flower opening leading to “rosette-bloom”. Ten to twenty days old bolls are attacked from under bracteoles. Larvae feed on the developing seeds. While in younger bolls entire content may be destroyed, in older bolls development could be completed on three to four seeds. Interlocal movement is also seen. Several larvae can infest a single boll.
    Pink Bollworm ( Pectinophora gossypiella ) Early Stage, Pink Bollworm ( Pectinophora gossypiella ), Pink Bollworm ,Pectinophora gossypiella , Pink Bollworm on Cotton, Pink Bollworm Live Video on Cotton Crop, Major Pest On Cotton Crop
    Pink Bollworm ( Pectinophora gossypiella ) Early Stage


                     ' Rosetted flower ' (improper opening of petals) is typical of bollworm attack. Small exit holes (smaller than the feeding holes of other two bollworms viz., Earias & Helicoverpa) are seen in developing green bolls. Stained lint around feeding areas resulting in bad quality Cotton is seen in open bolls. Improper boll opening with damaged seeds are obvious. Small round holes are seen on the septa between locules of open bolls. Lint of pink bollworm attacked bolls is of inferior quality

    Life History:

    Pink-Bollworm-(Pectinophora-gossypiella)-Adult-Stage, Pink Bollworm ( Pectinophora gossypiella ), Pink Bollworm ,Pectinophora gossypiella , Pink Bollworm on Cotton, Pink Bollworm Live Video on Cotton Crop, Major Pest On Cotton Crop
               Early in the season, eggs are laid in any of the sheltered places of the plant axis of petioles or peduncles, the underside of young leaves, on buds or flowers. Once the bolls are 15 days old, these become favored sites for oviposition. The incubation period is 3-6 days. The first two instars are white, while the third instar pink color develops. The larval cycle lasts for 9-14 days in hotter regions. white, while from the third instar pink color develops. The larval cycle lasts for 9-14 days in hotter regions.


    Pink Bollworm  Early Stage is Attack for Square to Flower, Pink Bollworm ( Pectinophora gossypiella ), Pink Bollworm ,Pectinophora gossypiella , Pink Bollworm on Cotton, Pink Bollworm Live Video on Cotton Crop, Major Pest On Cotton Crop
    Pink Early Stage is Attack for 
    Square to Flower - 1
    Pink Bollworm  Early Stage is Attack for Square to Flower,  Pink Bollworm ( Pectinophora gossypiella ), Pink Bollworm ,Pectinophora gossypiella , Pink Bollworm on Cotton, Pink Bollworm Live Video on Cotton Crop, Major Pest On Cotton Crop
    Pink Bollworm  Early Stage is Attack for 
    Square to Flower - 2

                        The mature larvae are either 'short-cycle' and will go on to pupate or 'long cycle' to enter a state of diapause. While the former is the observed phenomenon in South India, diapause is seen in the North and Central parts of India. Short cycle larvae pupating may cut a round exit hole through carpel wall and fall to the ground or may tunnel the cuticle, leaving it as a transparent window and pupate inside. Pupation is inside a loose-fitting cocoon with a highly webbed exit at one end. The pupal period ranges between 8 and 13 days.            The life cycle is completed in 3-6 weeks. The late-season has invariably overlapping broods. The long cycle larvae entering diapause spins a tough thick-walled, closely woven, spherical cell referred to as “ hibernaculum” with no exit hole. Always, the longterm larvae occur during the end of the crop season, where there are mature bolls present and larvae often form their hibernacula inside seeds.

       Hibernacula may occupy single seeds or double seeds. P.gossypiella hibernate as full-fed larvae during cold weather. Diapause larvae often spin up in the lint of an open boll and if still active in ginnery, will spin up on bales of lint, bags of seed or in cracks and crevices. Moths emerging from the hibernating larvae are long-lived with females and males alive for 56 and 20 days, respectively.

    Pink Bollworm  Early Stage is Attack for 
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     Seasonal Dynamics:   

               The insect is highly adaptable to different climatic conditions and larvae hide over unfavorable season inside empty cottonseed in which they are well protected and remain alive for many months. Survival of the pest from one season to another is entirely through hibernating larvae in seeds, soils, and plant debris. Incidence of P. gossypiella during the season commences from the moth emerging from the overwintering larvae through the summer season. This is the only pest, which peaks at harvest. Depending upon the periods of crop maturity the seasonal incidence and infestation levels vary. The effective population buildup starts after 100 to 110 days of crop emergence, while the peak infestations occur after 140 days.

    Pink Bollworm  Early Stage is Attack for Square to Flower,  Pink Bollworm ( Pectinophora gossypiella ), Pink Bollworm ,Pectinophora gossypiella , Pink Bollworm on Cotton, Pink Bollworm Live Video on Cotton Crop, Major Pest On Cotton Crop
    Pink Bollworm  Early Stage is Attack for 
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    Pink Bollworm  Early Stage is Attack for Square to Flower, Pink Bollworm ( Pectinophora gossypiella ), Pink Bollworm ,Pectinophora gossypiella , Pink Bollworm on Cotton, Pink Bollworm Live Video on Cotton Crop, Major Pest On Cotton Crop
    Pink Bollworm  Early Stage is Attack for 
    Square to Flower  - 4


                  The crop with late maturity suffers heavy attack with 50-75 % of the bolls showing damaged locule (s) in open bolls. In the last five years, the levels of incidence were high during 2002 & 2003, whereas 2005 had the lowest incidence as well as damage. The higher damage levels despite lower incidence arise due to less number of bolls available at the end of the season. If the pink bollworm appears early in the crop season due to favorable weather conditions, the damage is much more intensive during the late season.

    Predicition Criteria :

                      Maximum temperature greater than 33 C, morning relative humidity less than 70 %, evening relative humidity greater than 40 % during the standard weeks of 40, 41 and 43, and less than        12°C minimum temperature between 48 and 49, respectively result in P. gossypiella severity.

    Pink Bollworm is Attack for Boll Formation Stage, Pink Bollworm ( Pectinophora gossypiella ), Pink Bollworm ,Pectinophora gossypiella , Pink Bollworm on Cotton, Pink Bollworm Live Video on Cotton Crop, Major Pest On Cotton Crop
    Pink Bollworm is 
    Attack for Boll Formation Stage
    - 1

    Pink Bollworm is Attack for Boll Formation Stage, Pink Bollworm ( Pectinophora gossypiella ), Pink Bollworm ,Pectinophora gossypiella , Pink Bollworm on Cotton, Pink Bollworm Live Video on Cotton Crop, Major Pest On Cotton Crop
    Pink Bollworm is
     Attack for Boll Formation Stage
    - 2

    Pest Management Options:

               Cultural control plays a key role in keeping down the number of pink bollworm carry-over between cotton crops. Maintenance of host-free period during the off-season is a must to ensure a pink boll worm-free next season. Therefore, effective measures of prevention of pink bollworm damage include post-harvest, off-season and replanting actions. Allowing cattle grazing of the left over green bolls on the plant at the end of the crop season, timely crop termination to maintain closed season, clean up/ destruction of cotton stubbles immediate to harvest, avoiding stacking of cotton stalks for fuel purpose over long periods and summer deep plowing to expose the pupae of the surviving larvae constitute post-harvest and offseason cultural measures. These practices adopted on a field-to-field basis over large areas of cotton growing regions by the cultivators would largely bring down the attack of pink bollworm in the ensuing season. While planning for the next season selection of varieties with early maturity, drying of seeds under the sun for 6-8 hours and sowing of acid delinted seeds are effective and economical to prevent the carryover of pink bollworm to the next cotton season. During the cropping, season care must be taken to monitor pink bollworm infestation on the crop. This can be done easily through the use of gossyplure pheromone baited traps that attract males. Once few male moths are found in the traps it is an indication of the incidence starting in the bolls of the cotton plants. One approach of pink bollworm suppression is to trap most of the male moths in the crop ecosystem by using a large number of pheromone traps (@ 20 nos./ha) so that mating is disrupted and the population development is arrested. For this method to be effective traps should be placed over many fields over larger areas. Since the damage and stages of pink bollworm are not visible the decision of insecticidal spray is arrived at using the male catches in the traps. If the moth catches exceed eight per trap for three consecutive days an insecticidal spray in the field is desired. When much of the bolls on the plants are 20-25 days old during October end and November insecticidal protection is a must. In the absence of pheromone traps, assessment of pink bollworm damage should be based on destructive sampling (boll cracking method) and chemical spray should be taken up when two live larvae are found in 20 medium-sized green bolls sampled per acre. Pyrethroids can be used against pink bollworm during this period. The open bolls on the plants should be harvested before the spray, as there is a likelihood of aphid resurgence. When there is a resurgence of aphids that would affect the quality of cotton it is recommended to spray anyone organophosphorus insecticides. This takes care of pinkies as well as stainers resulting in the harvest of quality cotton.

    Pink Bollworm ( Pectinophora gossypiella ), Pink Bollworm ,Pectinophora gossypiella , Pink Bollworm on Cotton, Pink Bollworm Live Video on Cotton Crop, Major Pest On Cotton Crop
    American Bollworm Insect Pest are Control Chemical Name Suggesting to CICR, Nagpur

    The amount of spray fluid varies more with the canopy size than with the crop age. It is recommended that power sprayers be used against bollworm management through insecticides. Normally 200-300 liters/ha of water should be used for a crop that had attained eight to sixteen nodes. 

    Pink Bollworm Live Video on Cotton Crop -   https://www.agritechguru.com/2019/10/pink-bollworm.html

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